LNI For Youth

India is a land of opportunities, there is huge opportunity of employment, yet we have the biggest challenge of employment and continues to grow. Today you can hire Engineers at a salary of maid at your house. What’s causing this, it is never an employment issue, it always has been an emplyability issue. Industry has to invest 12 to 24 months to make an Engineer perform and be productive. We have huge gap between Industry & Academy, hence it is also a huge opportunity to plug and work towards ZERO UNEMPLYED YOUTH, just like ZERO EMISSION, ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT and so on. This shall lead to huge wealth creation, happy family, happy nation, happy world !!

Our Stake Holders

Job Consultancy
Skill Trainer



Three Pillars of Excellence
  • Holistic Development
  • Holistic Learning
  • Holistic Growth
360 degrees learning experience for your child that brings about overall development in the Mind-Body-Spirit and strengthen CORE BEING

LNI Visionary Youth National Building

  • Youth Voice
  • LNI Visionary Youth
  • Approach Of Physical + Digital is Phygital

Skill Development Program Digital + Physical Workshop

Any Top Basics on Jobs in and around Gov. and Pvt. Opportunities