LNI For Business (MSME)


You take any complex drawing, it comes down to fundamentals of dot, line, circle etc. etc. , you take any complex matter it comes down to fundamental elements of molecules, atom, nucleus, electrons.., similarly for large companies to sustain, for large corporates to sustain for nation’s economy to sustain MSME – Micro Small Medium Enterprises need to sustain as they form the fundamental elements of nation’s economy and hence the wealth and hence the happiness index for a wealthy nation. Hence the need to build Visionary Business that can employ millions of people and give a sense of direction, purpose to their lives

Our Stake Holders

Entrepreneurs / Proprietors
Core Team
Blue Collar Workforce

Our Programs

Visionary Business Foundation (VBF):

This program helps to build the fundamental growth accelerators of Vision, Mission, Values, Code of Honour, Team bonding to set the foundation of the Visionary Business

Visionary Business Blueprint (VBB):

This program helps to create the blueprint of the focus for the company by discovering where they are, where that want to be, the gap in terms of Product, Process, People, Technology, Infrastructure etc and walk the path to get to their dreams and drive X to 10X growth

Visionary Coaching & Mentoring (VCM):

This program helps the team, executives, individuals to up their skills and evolve as contributors adding value to bottom-line and top line of the company. It brings sense of ownership, accountability & PEPE (Performance Efficiency and Performance Effectiveness)