Driving Towards A Brighter Future
A future where no child is deprived of quality education.

What would the transportation industry be without our dedicated and hard-working drivers?

They have been our superheroes during this pandemic time.
They’ve shed blood and sweat to work towards essential services like food and medicine.
That’s why it’s our responsibility to make a small effort that can brighten their lives as well!
And what better initiative than the one for knowledge!
Join us in elevating society by becoming a part of the Aatmanirbhar Edu family!
What is the Aatmanirbhar Edu initiative?
- The Aatmanirbhar Edu is an initiative to touch the lives of 1 million drivers' children through a holistic learning platform that connects them to state of the art education system.
- This initiative is targeted to reach out to massive transport Industry who can be leveraged to adopt the children of the drivers through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) OR ISR (Individual Social Responsibility) route.
- The pride that is associated with the drivers' profession is far less than the amount of work, effort and dedication that goes into it.
Let's put a smile on their faces by giving their children the priceless gift of knowledge and good education!

What is a Holistic Education?
Academic Excellence:
Based on 5 years of research, working with countries like Singapore, Vietnam, the US, European countries, and most importantly Ancient Gurukul Education system of India.
- Auditory
- Visual
- Kinesthetic
Built on the strong foundation of this, we have created animated content that is structured as per CBSE/NCERT syllabus.

21st Century Thinking Skills:
No matter what dream the child pursues in the global world of one world – one family – one economy, we will help students build skills that are critical for development and form a foundation for anything and everything.
- Problem Solving
- Critical thinking
- Lateral thinking
- Structural thinking
- Visioning thinking
- Strategic thinking
Entrepreneurial Leadership:
Employment opportunities for our youth in India have been majorly impacted in recent years due to the exponential growth in population.
Entrepreneurial Leadership Education which was the backbone of Gurukul Education system is the only way that we can bring titles like ‘the Land of Entrepreneurs” and “Sone Ki Chiriya” back.
Here we offer –
- Basic Entrepreneurship Certification Course called as 4DNA of Entrepreneurial
Leadership. - The advanced Entrepreneurship Certification course. This course is structured into 3 levels of certifications. Each level has 8 modules with the 3rd level having 10 modules.

Life Skills:
We have landed into an information overload where it is very easy and tempting to drift away from our core values.
No parent would like to see their child lose those qualities that make them better humans and responsible global citizens.
Here we offer-
- 3 Levels of Life Value Certification, with 4 key values learning and implementing every year.
- This completing 12 fundamental values with 3 Levels of certification spread across 3 academic years.
MTL - Making The Leader Success Journal:
This journal is designed to develop child’s brain to rewire for success and make them a successful leader, no matter what profession they choose in their life.