LNI For Women

Our customized programs are based on real-world problems, understanding workplace culture, upskill hard & soft skills to kick-start their new career journey with confidence and vigor. LNI is an initiative by women for women. We believe that women are powerful allies for other women, and with LNI, we aim to celebrate and advocate for women everywhere. Our platform promotes true ally ship for intentional commitment to using your voice, credibility, knowledge, place, or power to support women in leveling the playing field. With access to mentors from around the globe, your career or entrepreneurship journey can begin or restart the right way with the proper guidance. Choose the right path.

Our Stake Holders

Women Welfare Association
Women Entrepreneur



Three Pillars of Excellence
  • Holistic Development
  • Holistic Learning
  • Holistic Growth
360 degrees learning experience for your child that brings about overall development in the Mind-Body-Spirit and strengthen CORE BEING