LNI For School Driver

Drivers have to deal with a lot of problems like long working hours, lonely life, less family time, no opportunity to unburden or share their thoughts and feelings with others, little physical activities etc. The above reasons cause health issues, physical stress, mental health issues and financial distress due to lack of skills etc. In addition to the above drivers have very little awareness of health and occupational diseases as well as financial and digital literacy. There is very less opportunity for interactions and collaboration. There is no plan for Personal development. LearnNInspire has Holistic Development processes that bring about development in the Mind-Body-Spirit and strengthens the CORE BEING. They work on the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Mindfulness. Our holistic development processes are designed to build strong interpersonal relationships and bonding between co-workers through deliberate, intentional activities that work on building trust and increasing interactions between individuals.
  • Driver’s Problem
  • Digital Literacy
  • Driver Digital Learning Platform

Drivers have to deal with

The above reasons cause health issues, physical stress, mental health issues and financial distress due to lack of skills etc. In addition to the above drivers have very little awareness of health and occupational diseases as well as financial and digital literacy. There is very less opportunity for interactions and collaboration. There is no plan for Personal Development. Since time is mostly spent alone, driving on the roads there is no sense of belonging towards co-workers and the Transport owners or Transport companies that they work for. The ecosystem consisting of Fleet management, Transport owners, Drivers, Cleaners, the Driver’s family, Traffic Police and other societal players is an unique context in itself. LearnNInspire has Holistic Development processes that bring about development in the Mind-Body-Spirit and strengthens the CORE BEING. They work on the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Mindfulness. Our holistic development processes are designed to build strong interpersonal relationships and bonding between co-workers through deliberate, intentional activities that work on building trust and increasing interactions between individuals. The activities create opportunities for each individual to be seen, heard and valued and develop a sense of belonging towards each other and the organization that they work for. Mindfulness techniques for self-control, improved concentration and mental clarity.
Digital Literacy combines creativity, functional skills, e-safety, effective communication, the ability to find and select information, collaboration, cultural and social understanding, critical thinking and evaluation. However Digital literacy would need the support of a reasonable level of Literacy skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Being able to use online language translators can be a great help for drivers who criss cross the entire nation.

Mental Health

Physical Health

Emotional Health

Social Health


LNI Process

LNI Platform Features